Bodi art ili umetnost tela je umetnički koncept 20. veka. Nastao je kao umetnički pravac oko 1960. godine iz ideja hepeninga i fluksusa, i razvija se u narednoj deceniji.
Telo je kao umetnički medijum i kao umetnički objekat. Ovde je reč o performansu.
Dalji pravci u ovoj umetnosti su fotografija i video umetnost.
Ime "Bodi art" je tu zato što umetnik radi sa telom kao sa materijalom za slikanje umetničkog dela.
Poznati predstavnici Bodi arta su:
- Vito Akonsi
- Denis Openhajm
- Đina Pan
- Mihael Jurnijak
- Urs Lut
- Rudolf Švarckogler
1975. godine u Parizu je počela prva velika Bodi art izložba. Tamo je Fransoa Pulhart publikovao jedan manifest za umetnost tela.
U ovoj temi ćemo takođe pisati o tetovažama, pirsinzima, i svemu što na takav način krasi telo.
Body art or art of the body is art concept 20th century. It was created like art direction about 1960's from ideas of happening and fluxus, and it develops in next decade.
Body is like art medium and like art object. Word is about performance.
Further directions in this art are photography and video art.
The name "Body art" is there because the artist works with the body like material for painting piece of art.
Body art or art of the body is art concept 20th century. It was created like art direction about 1960's from ideas of happening and fluxus, and it develops in next decade.
Body is like art medium and like art object. Word is about performance.
Further directions in this art are photography and video art.
The name "Body art" is there because the artist works with the body like material for painting piece of art.
Famous representatives of Body art are:
- Vito Acconci
- Denis Oppenheim
- Gina Pane
- Michel Journiak
- Urs Lüthi
- Rudolf Schwarzkogler
In this category we will also write about tattoos, piercings, and everything that makes body more beautiful.
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