четвртак, 26. септембар 2013.

Travel - meaning of life

 Zašto se ljudi zadovoljavaju mapama i globusima, tešeći se izgovorima kako nemaju vremena ili kako imaju posla? Kakav je to život ako ne stignete da vidite sve što pruža jer ste žurili na posao? Zar ćete dozvoliti sebi da napustite ovaj svet, a da pre toga niste posetili piramide u Egiptu, odigrali rulet u nekom kazinu Las Vegasa, pljunuli sa vrha Ajfelovog tornja, zaigrali karnevalom u Brazilu? Udahnite duboko i razmislite da li vam je smisao života, koji vam je nametnulo društvo dovoljan, ako ste svesni čitavog sveta oko vas. I ako ne shvatite to sada, hoćete li se u starosti kajati?

Why do people content themselves with maps and globes, comforting themselves with excuses about not having time or having some stuff to do? What kind of life is it if you don't get to see all that it has to offer because you were late for work? Are you going to let yourself leave this world, without visiting pyramids in Egypt, playing roulette in one of Las Vegas' casinos, spitting from the top of the Eiffel's tower, dancing in the carnival in Brasil? Take a deep breath and ask yourself if the purpose of life that society has imposed, is enough for you. And if you don't perceive it now, are you going to regret it when you're old?

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